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CVSA Brake Safety Week Starts August 23-29!

CVSA Brake Safety Week Starts August 23-29!

Brake Safety Week will take place August 23 – 29, 2020.

All Truck Service locations will be supporting this event by offering complimentary multi-point brake inspections for all commercial Class 3-8 vehicles for the month of August.

Brake Safety Week is sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) each year. Enforcement officials will inspect commercial vehicles throughout the week and vehicles that have critical out-of-service brake violations or other critical vehicle inspection item violations, will be restricted from traveling until the violations are corrected.

Commercial vehicle brake systems on commercial motor vehicles are comprised of components that work together to slow and stop a vehicle. The brake hoses and tubing are essential for the proper operation of those systems. Brake hoses and tubing must be properly attached, undamaged, without leaks and appropriately flexible. Brake hoses and tubing are an important part of your braking system so when they do fail, they can cause problems for your entire braking system and your vehicle. Brake system inspections are critical!

Brake Safety Week is part of law enforcement’s effort to reduce brake-related crashes by conducting roadside inspections and identifying and removing unsafe commercial motor vehicles from roadways.

For more information on brake systems and brake safety, contact your local Truck Service location or learn more at Truck Service Brake Systems.